Wednesday 24 August 2011

Pronounced "Soice"

That Dr Seuss!
That Dr Seuss!
I do not like that Dr Seuss!
And do you like to read each book
A hundred times until it's stuck
In one or other cranial nook?
I do NOT like to read each book
A hundred times until . . . Now LOOK
That's quite enough: with your permission
I'll leave out all the repetition.
Oh . . . well . . . did you read it with a goat
That wrote a note upon a stoat
That wore a coat that didn't float
That . . . STOP!
Don't get me started on the goat
I'd like to grab it by the throat.
And what's with the words of just one syllable?
Is each one individually billable?
As for wumps and zeeps and sneeches
And all the other made-up creatures
As I've said a million times
He should have thought of proper rhymes!
The whole thing simply leaves me cold.
BUT – half a billion copies sold?
That's me told.

It seemed to me, speaking just among amateurs
Quite clever to write using mostly tetrameters
But sadly my darling's too-narrow parameters
Deny that “creatures” rhymes with “sneeches”
Which seems to me quite frankly facetious.

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